This week in my corner of the internet

Hi Reader,

As I keep going down the road of building a product, and creating a product-based business, there are a few things that are increasingly clear:

  • Creating software (even low/no-code) is not at all like creating information, or even lead magnets.
  • Learning new things is as frustrating as it is exciting. If not more. I've always been happy to be a lifelong learner, but being new all the time means yesterday I had to get up and leave my desk at 2:30 in the afternoon and not return to it.
  • I understand more now why most software/saas products are funded. It's really hard to start marketing a product that isn't ready yet because I want to confidently say that this AI-powered content calendar is great AND works every time. Only one of those things is true right now.
  • Assumptions about how close I am to done are so wrong it's not even funny. I've been 90% done for three weeks, and I'm no mathematician, but something about that percentage doesn't make sense.

But more than anything else, this adventure has showed me that the combination of conviction (this tool will help so many people!), determination (I'm going to build it even if I have to teach myself about inter-related databases), and ... I don't know, completionism? Something more pathological? is what's keeping me going.

Well, plus coffee.

And working in the early mornings knowing my brain turns to mush at about 2:30 in the afternoon.

Anyway, I'm glad you're here for it. Happy to show you the guts of it if you'd like. And once it's good and ready (sometime in September), I'll start marketing it.

Pinky swear.

Other things that caught my eye

quick hits, hot takes, links to click

  • ChatGPT has a desktop version! I was initially hesitant to download it, but after experiencing the convenience of having it outside the browser, I'm hooked. It's currently only available on newer Macs (I'm unsure about Windows, so apologies to my PC friends). Unfortunately, this means I can't use it on my older laptop, which might be a sign to upgrade. Anyone else treat their tech like household appliances and not upgrade until they're good and dead? It can't be just me.
  • There are new berries at my grocery store, and they don't compare to the berries of the Pacific Northwest, but they are, by far, the best berries money can buy. They're priced accordingly, of course. But I'd rather have one good pint of strawberries than 8 pints of berries that make me think maybe I don't like strawberries after all.
  • HeyGen just got a lot cheaper! HeyGen creates videos from text that actually look like you, or so they say. I hadn't had much success with them, but I think that was largely my fault. Awkward in, awkward out as they say. But last week, I got my hair done, so I thought I'd train it again. I'll show you the results another time, but the reason I'm mentioning it today is because when I logged in, they had a screen that said, "hey new pricing!" which of course made me think it got more expensive. But no! When I renew, it'll be 50% cheaper than it was when I signed up.

When it comes to generative AI, there are two truths:

  1. Everything is amazing, and
  2. Today is the worst it'll ever be.

What a time to be alive.

Kathleen Celmins

Amplified Now

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