One area that does NOT benefit from AI


Hi Reader,

Last week, I went on a "work trip." I'm using quotation marks because I didn't go very far... just to an AirBnB in another part of the Phoenix area.

Every 4-6 weeks, I take one of these trips and use them as a time to really focus on work tasks, without having to worry about any other part of my life. I simply did yoga, worked, and blocked off my calendar for anything else.

I highly recommend taking a focus week in your business if you also work from home and feel like your attention is split 100 different ways. You can get a ton done in a couple of days, and you'll be refreshed and ready to be present with your family when you return!

Which brings me to a glaring example of when not to use AI: AirBnB communications.

There's always at least a bit of back-and-forth communication when I stay at an AirBnB. Friendly reminders about how to check in, how to check out, etc. I'm typically very responsive to these types of chit-chat.

But the hosts definitely used AI every single time to communicate.

And it showed in really strange ways.

"Good morning!" said a communication at 12:45PM. "We hope this message finds you well."

The notice was about some necessary maintenance that was happening, and they asked if I'd be there to let the guy in.

When I responded and asked for a few things I thought were missing from the apartment (hangers, ice trays, a bottle opener), I got another response from AI.

"We would like to inform you that, in accordance with our listing details, we do not provide additional supplies such as the requested above.
If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to assist you. Have a nice day!"


Listen, no one talks like that. And it made it really clear that I was trying to communicate with a robot.

It really impacted how I felt about my stay, which, looking back, really was fine.

But it was an important lesson. While generative AI helps with a lot of things, make sure your communication is not robotic.


Create Stunning LinkedIn Carousels in Minutes with AI


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Other things I saw this week

quick hits, hot takes, links to click

  • Amplified Now has 3 subscribers! I am really excited about this, even though it feels like I'm building an airplane while it's in the air. I'm building ads, making specific sales pages for the various tools, and narrowing down on my niche. So it's very early stages, still, but that's okay. I'm happy with where it's headed.


  • I spoke for the first time in public about AI. My presentation, "Supercharge Your Business With AI: Practical Strategies for Entrepreneurs" went over really well, and I'm actively looking for more places to share how I'm using generative AI in my business.


  • Software tool of the week: Perplexity. (My referral link.) I've mentioned before that I really like Claude.AI because it's a more natural writer than Chat GPT, but it's limited because it can't access the internet. But Perplexity fixes that, and is the same price ($20/mo) as Claude. You can access the newest versions of both ChatGPT and Claude (and other LLMs!) in every conversation. Plus, it asks clarifying questions when you give it what it considers too vague of a prompt, which means it gives better first draft responses than the other two tools.

AI didn't write this email.


Kathleen Celmins

Amplified Now


2314 W Olive Way, Chandler, Arizona 85248
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